Rumors is the sequel to Luxe by Anna Godbersen. The Luxe series are about the Socialites of old Manhattan set back in 1899. If you love fashion, drama and a good mystery here's a quick read for you! The series consists of four books. Rumors is the second and I just finished it in just a week! Wow, in the end it was such a great story! It leaves you wanting to get your hands on the next. Unfortunetly the Barnes and Noble in my area ran out of the third book, Envy! Is that possible??
Well Rumors isn't my favorite, so far Luxe is still the top book. But it had it's romantic parts, slow parts and shocking parts! I admit most will NOT like this at all but I'm praying the next two books in the series will be better! I hope. :S
I hope you guys get a chance to read it! Let me know if there are similar books like the Luxe Series! I really want to start reading more of those genres!!
Comment below and let me know if you have read recommendable books please! Anything Luxe, Gossip Girl, It Girl related. Even set back in the Victorian era!
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