The fashion, life, and travels of a Fashion Queen.

Friday, September 23, 2011

MAC Cosmetics. It's an opportunity

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to write about today's events quickly before I go off to continue with the second collection to my online store. -Hope you guys have checked it out!.. Any who, I recently was thinking of maybe applying to MAC cosmetics to try my look and see if I was any good at it. I really love make up and have been practicing and noticing that I'm pretty good at it. I've heard that they start teaching you new techniques from day one but just wanted a second opinion?
Has anyone worked at MAC before? I just want to know what experiances you guys have. Let me know in the comment box below.

Well hope you guys keep learning something new everyday! I know it keeps life interesting like that. :)

Favorite Lipstick from them

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tights and Outfits!

So I was having a look around and found spme really awesome pictures of tights. These are a few pictures I would love to be able to look like. They have such style and they pair the tights nicely. Hope you like them as much as me! If you have any idea where to get nice reasonably priced tights let me know!!

Do you guys like tights? It's getting pretty chilly outside! Finally time for fall!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fashion House By Claudia Grand Opening!

The Fashion House By Claudia has just opened! CLICK HERE! The phot shoot went wonderful on September 8,2011! It was my first shoot and I was able to accomplish all the perfect shots in just a few hours before the sun went down! I hope you take some time to check out my store! It means a lot to me to share this experiance with the blogging world! I will be updating about my store mostly on the store blog, there is a link up at the top. But if you can't find it click here! Let me know what you guys think! I love getting feed back! And if you like add me on twitter and like the page on facebook! Discounts and updates will be made almost everyday!

Check it out!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What's Your Style? I'd love to know!

Hey guys! Since I have been so busy trying to get the online store and the products ready for the GRAN OPENING in just about 2 weeks I really would love to know what YOUR style is! Let me know in the comment box below or on the youtube video I just posted up. I will greatly appreciate your input because not only will it help me know what to put out on my store but it will help you because you will finally be able to find clothes you like.
Has anyone had that problem where brand and department store clothes just don't fit your style? I certainly have! So go ahead and leave a comment, input, opinion! What ever you like. It could be about sizing, color, extra things like feathers, fabric, zippers, studs and dye! Go ahead Ladies and Gents!

Stay tuned for the Grand Opening! and check out the Fashion House by Claudia for store updates!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tights 102: Pairing Tights with Shoes!

Hello everyone! I have just uploaded another video and wanted to share with everyone on the blogging network. Leave a comment letting me know what you think and if you're interested in my videos. I find them a bit easier to do then pictures. Happy blogging!

Question of the Day!
Most interesting topic you search up??

My answer: How to videos.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Fashion House Blog Shop COMING SOON!

Hey guys! Here's a quick update on the progress of my online blog store! I hope you guys still haven't lost interest but for thoese of you who check my site regularly here's some news!

I have just created and set up accounts for my custumer's to be able to buy the products they want! Here's the exciting part if that didn't get you clapping... My supplies has been shipped and it's on it's way as we type!! It's so exciting to finally accomplish something and to create something that has been in your head for years already! I hope you guys like what's in store for everyone! I WILL NOT reveal the supples I bought just yet because I want everyone to see the finished product guess you'll have to wait just a little bit longer!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday!

PS: I know I will have more products for girls than guys but I will try to have a few options for you boys! Any suggestions? Ideas? leave em in the comment box below!