The fashion, life, and travels of a Fashion Queen.

Monday, December 2, 2013

BCA: Week 1: My Favorite Personal Care Products!


So this is the first week of the Beauty Crown Awards!! How exciting for the amazing four ladies who created it!! (Their links will be down below my friends so definetly go and check their blogs out!) For this first week they have scheduled for the participants to talk about their favorite personal care products. I have a few that I want to discuss so we are going to jump right in!
Let me know if you have/like any of these products and if you will be participating in the Beauty Crown Awards too!  
Here's a little information about the Beauty Crown Awards:
The Beauty Crown Awards are a yearly favorites collaborative effort including beauty bloggers around the globe. The Beauty Crown Awards were created by Lily from Beauty with Lily Liz from My Pretty Obsessions, Jackie from Five Two Certified, and Shalunya from Shalunya & Boyet. We felt that a collaborative effort from a large number of beauty bloggers would be much more interesting to our readers and would garner more attention. The Beauty Crown Awards are a 5 week event with each week covering types of products.

Week 1 - Personal Care Products - Dec 2 - Dec 8, 2013
Week 2 - Facial Products - Dec 9 - Dec 15, 2013
Week 3 - Lip & Nail Products - Dec 16 - Dec 22, 2013
Week 4 - Eye & Misc Products - Dec 23 - Dec 29, 2013
Week 5 - Facial Care Products & Tools - Dec 30 - Jan 4, 2014

Week 1 of the Beauty Crown Awards covers Personal Care Items. Below are my Week 1 Selections:

Shampoo: I love Dove. In my life, I have tried over a dozen different shampoos (l'oreal, pantene, garnier, herbal essence, aussi, sauve, tressemme, biomex, organics ect) none I liked and none left my hair soft. So recently I have been using the Intensive Repair Shampoo from Dove which is amazing. It doesn't dry my hair or make it oily. I absolutely love it! I know it is recommended to change your shampoo every few weeks/months but I just can't bring myself to let this baby go. My hair is such a big part of my style (as you ladies will agree!) so I like to keep it as healthy as possible. And if something works for my hair might as well stick with it!

Conditioner: This is a toughy. I have super fine hair that gets oily so quick! (I hate that!) So I use conditioner only once a month or when I'm going to do or did my hair and used hot tools. I'm currently using the L'Oreal deep conditioning conditioner for dry hair. So far I like it and it smells wonderful!

Hairspray: Currently I am using the aussie mega hold hairspray which smells amazing and leaves your hair soft, instead of that horrible hard, crunchy texture that most hairsprays leave you with. I really like it even though it's not very good for the humidity. It does not hold anything if you go out where it's very humid. It also doesn't give you a sleek look when you wear a bun or a high ponytail. I usually like to have all those pesky baby hairs slicked back so everything looks clean but nope, this one wont do it! It's way too soft for that job so I have to use a soft, styling gum from garnier which is fab!

Styling Product:  Well, I've got a few of these bad boys in my bathroom cabinet. I will talk about my heat protectant first. Right now I am trying out the Tresemme Thermal Creations heat protectant which has been working so well!! I see less split ends and it's easier to style my hair with the hot tools. It also has an amazing scent which helps with that god, awful burning smell that comes with styling your hair with hot tools. The next product I use is the John Frieda Frizz-Ease Straight Fixation Smoothing Creme to help with frizz (because I live in humid city (Miami)) and to help keep my hair straight and tame my flyaways. This is another product I love to use! But it doesn't help with my curls so I just use it for the frizziness. Last product I use is my Tresemme Dry Shampoo for fine/oily hair. This is perfection and it helps me so much when I need to skip a wash to let my hair take a break or when I'm rushing out the door and need some help living up my flat hair. Plus the smell is amazing and not overpowering!

Hair Mask: This is a product I just recently got into which is a hair mask from L'Oreal, the hydrating one for dry hair in a baby blue container. I only use it once a month and sometimes once every two months since it is very mosituring and hydrating to my hair. I use it after I have curled my hair so I can help my hair remain soft and beautiful. I love using this product!! I want to try some more hair masks but haven't had any time to look for any! (bummer)

Body Mist: My Victoria's Secret body mist is my absolute favorite and unfortunetly they have discontinued it!! I have one bottle left and an thinking of purchasing more from Amazon as I saw them there. This one is called Soft & Dreamy from their PINK collection. It is exactly what it's called" soft & dreamy. I adore the soft scents of vanilla mixed with flowers. It's undescribable! 

Perfume: My Lady Gaga Fame perfume of course!! I recently purchased this (if you saw my winter haul you'll know this) for the winter, well technecally I bought it two months ago but whatever! I absolutely love it and it has been my favorite for he past few months!! Of course it is the only real perfume I own (for now) as I have ran out of all my others! So Fame it is for those special occasions. It is a very strong scent, again I cannot describe it for the life of me! Sorry! It is amazing though, very dark and alluring. If you ever get a chance take a whiff and you'll see what I'm talking about.

SKIN CARE (Non-Facial)

Body Wash: Can you believe I use a regular body wash! It's actually two in one: a wash and a scrub.
This one is just a palin old body wash/scrub from dial. Now, it's not my favorite but I do like the smell. It also doesn't leave my skin feeling dry or as if it still has soap. I also like the dissolving microbeads in the wash which makes it so nice with scrub into my skin. 

Moisturizer: I use the vaselline lotion for my body to keep in moisture for after I shower. I'm actually using this one because we bought a huge tub of it and just want to use it up. This is actually not good at all. It doesn't really keep my skin soft for very long and I feel like it just vanishes instead of being absorbed by my skin. But I'm too cheap to buy another one so I'll be using this one for now.

Hair Removal: Omg, this is probably my newest obsession as it is my newest discovery as well!
My sister bought a professional wax kit with those hardening wax gels that you see in the salons! I never liked to wax under my arms as I knew it hurt like hell. Well, this at home kit doesn't ease the pain but Jesus, it is so worth it!!! Instead of paying $12 to get some lady to wax your pits I recommend to spend the money and do it yourself. (Well not yourself but get a girlfriend or your mom, someone who knows about waxing and get them to do it for you!) It is so worth it and I love getting my pits waxed now. It removes the hair almost completly but it doesn't even matter if they get everything. The hair grows in 10x thinner and the graying under the arms begins to lighten after you wax the first time. I have major gray areas under my arms for some reason (some say it's lack of moisture others say it's the roots of the hairs *shrugs*). but with waxing that is all gone! My worries have lifted off me! I am so happy with waxing and I will gladly pay for the wax (which I believe is $20-30) so I can continue to wax! The wax tub actually lasts a very long time so I see it as a wonderful investment! I've waxed my pits twice and did my legs (I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS IT WAS UNBEARABLY PAINFUL!!!!) and there is still wax left! My sister has also used it to do her arms (twice already) and her own armpits. Do you know how much money we saved!!! Think about it girlies!

That is is for this weeks Beauty Crown Awards. I hope you liked it and I will talk to you guys next week for the following topic.
Love you, beautifuls!!

The Beautiful Women behind the Beauty Crown Awards!

Liz | My Pretty Obsessions

Lily | Beauty With Lily

Jackie | Five Two Certified

Shalunya | Shalunya & Boyet


Lily (Beauty With Lily) said...

Yay!! So glad to have you on board pretty!!

I love that hairspray as well, I've been using it for years and the bottle last me a long time since I don't wear hairspray all the time!


Liz Outh said...

Yay Claudia!!! I'm so so happy you decided to do Beauty Crown! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on all of these wonderful products!

My Mom was a devoted Vaseline fan. Growing up that's all I used! I agree with you girl, these Vaseline lotion tubs are huge and it lasts quite a while. It may not be the most favorite to some but it does the job! =)

Oooh I've thought about getting those wax strips to do at home but I'm scared of waxing (the pain that is lol!) My favorite method is Nair! Lol. I will definitely consider buying a wax kit to try at home. When I do, I'm gonna call you and make you stay on the phone with me to talk me through the pulling off the wax strip part! =D Love you gorgeous! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh My! Waxing scares me! I would need a Xanax before I or anyone else attempts to do it. Thanks for sharing your picks. Love them. I keep seeing different Loreal products mentioned in terms of air products and I'm thinking of trying some of them. My hair is permed so I have to be careful what I use. Thanks for your recommendations. - Rhondine

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